Manual: Using Currency
Like the real
world, VZones has its form of currency called tokens
which are used to buy stuff inworld from a vendo or
another avatar.

you first start out in VZones you are presented with
an avatar holding 25tks. This does not seem like much
until you check an ATM (Automated Token Machine) which
should be carrying 1000tks, perhaps more. An ATM might
look like this:

on the ATM will bring up the menu above giving
you the option to withdraw all your tks or find
out how many tks you have in your account. Clicking
on "Withdraw Tokens" then "All" will withdraw
all your tokens. You can also desposit tokens into
your account by holding them in your hand before
clicking the ATM and selecting "Deposit Tokens"
(not shown).
how do you earn these tokens? Well, for each hour
spent inworld you earn a set amount, depending on
the world you're in. These tokens are then transported
to your ATM account ready for withdrawal.
you wish to only hold a certain amount of your tokens,
simply click on your avatar then select Split
tokens from pocket. This will take out only
the amount you requested, and leave the rest in
your pocket.