The elements
that make VZones unique from other virtual chat rooms
are items. The value of an item is based on where
it originally came from, its quantity inworld (if
known), how popular it is and just how difficult it
is to find one. If the item is still in a vendo, then
its only worth the vendo price but if the item WAS
in the vendo but is now removed then it is worth a
little more than what it was. This is usually known
inworld as a "rare item". Rare items can only be bought
from other avatars so there is a security problem.
If you are do not trust the other person you can page
a sysop to help with the transaction.

fetch an item from your pocket, click your avatar
and select "Get From Pocket" then "Show More". This
will present to you a list of items currently in
your possession. Double click an item to get it
out of your pocket for all to see. To put the item
back into your pocket, click your avatar and select
"Put Into" then select either your pocket or a chest
to put the item into. This also applies with tokens,
heads, accessories and spray cans.

you wish to give an item to another avatar, click
on someone while holding the item and select "Give
To". NOTE: You cannot take back the item unless
they give it back to you themselves.