Cracked Hotel: As the Hotel began its
descent into the depths of cyberspace, cracks
started appearing all over, as a hint that
changes are about to take place.

Freeeezy Fun Day: The final event to
ever take place in Hotel Silicon, hosted by
Metal Edd and Alex Dude. Unfortunately, the
closure of hotel was announced before the
event took place... so the event was cancelled
at the last minute. Instead, we had some fun
with the prizes and counted the days til Hotels

Chef Boy R' Die: The complete cast
which performed in the chef murder mystery.

More from the murder mystery event. Some of
the chef names were "Eatsat Dennys",
"Pat O' Butter" and "Kappa

Leggo-My-Ecto-98: The event where six
ghosts escaped from the afterlife and were
unleashed on Hotel. One a murderer, one a
dead (yes, not moving) corpse, all blatant
macroers, and a psychotic devil that is trying
to haul them back into the underworld. Phew,
what a trip! Cast members included Hector
Plasm, Perry Normal and Moana.

Girlz Paint Party: Wow, sexism to add
to the Hotels long list of taboos? This was
a special event for the ladies which meant
they could get painted with no queue and two
dedicated Concierges on standby. Males were
evicted on-sight... you would not believe
the lengths we had to go through to get these
pictures... ok, we asked someone :-\

Spraylay Races: Robert and Gisele hosted
the spraylay races... relay races with a can
of spray paint as the baton.

Hyper Day: Hyper Day! Best remembered
for its awesome prizes, which were worn by
many members months after the event took place.