this is what people do when theyre bored <g>
this: You're standing in the Village Apts
Lobby when an avatar walks by, shouting at
the top of their voice:
Listen Up!! I am Leaving VZones, and giving
away my stuff! If you are one of my true friends,
please come up to turf _____!
not too out of the ordinary... except the
avatar was dressed in newbie colors, had a
newbie head and was called Avatar451. Ok so
people went up... but wait a minute, didnt
the avatar say "If you are one of my true
friends, please come up..."? I seriously
doubt a newbie had this many friends:

was another problem... when the avatars from
the lobby got up to the turf, the room was
full... and the people already there were
taking all the stuff!!!
course, the avatars in the turf were all part
of the set-up to make it look like the room
was full of avatars. While the frustrated
ghosties watched on and continuously clicked
the unghost button with a hope of getting
down, the unghosted avies were actling like
they were having the times of their lives,
taking all the free stuff. We put stuff on
the ground for the avies to pick up as soon
as the ghost count grew high.

purposely left a very rare insignia hat on
the wall glued down to attract the ghosties.
Finally, we decided to put them out of their
misery. The group of avatars ghosted and everyone
else came down to find... the hat was glued
expected them to all leave annoyed... but
instead, they waited half an hour for someone
to unglue the hat. No, it never happened hehe.