An ugly gray void opened up accidently in
XOOM 1999.

Various graphics glitches inworld.

An empty vendo?

Possibly the funniest glitch in the history
of VZones... for a short amount of time, the
spider body was availible in Club Connect.
Of course, this was not meant to happen.

Another empty vendo
When your graphics begin to load for
the first time, the elevator looks just
like this.

The amazing cloning chair!

I've heard of losing your head... but losing
your hand?!

This is what you get when you mix a turf with
the lobby!

A mysterious locale opened up which was meant
to be linked to the CC Event Center. Strangely
enough, the doors just lead to the entrance
of the same locale.

Another strange graphics glitch

A mysterious door appeared for a short while,
one afternoon in Phoenix.