History: Chat Room/Chat Zone
Room and Chat Zone were two totally different
worlds, built for the same purpose - to provide a
world to members when the server goes down. Chat Room
also served as a preview area for perspective members
to the zones.
was a nine locale preview of VZConnections (pre-NH)
for those who were not yet a member of VZones. The
world was a fair size, and a good insight into the
locales, avatars and item interaction was given. Unfortunately,
this did not seem to see the light of day... beta
accounts were given out to a select few, but thats
as far as the world went.

Click HERE to walk around
Chat Room in our interactive tour.
Zone seemed to be a revised version of the Chat Room
plan, providing a downtime chat only, but no preview.
Consisting of approx 8 locales, it was simply a temporary
world for avatars to chat in.
No body machines, vendos or tokens are used in this
world, so all avatar enhancements are usually done
by the staff inworld.