History: Second Kingdom
arrival of Second Kingdom came as a surprise to many,
as mysterious advertisments were planted on the official
sites such as vzones.com, avatarwares and VZnews. 'Hinted'
by Robert a long time before on KVZN, a new world was
opening which would be slightly different to the others.

grand opening of SK started with an open house preview
for members, where NH and DSers could get into the world
for free, for 24hrs. After the preview... there seemed
to be a billing problem. doh. A couple of days later,
SK opened officially and fun was had by all... sorta.
took a while for things to really get going inworld,
as many avatars questioned the point of SK...
Firstly, SK is the first ever world to introduce powers
to normal avatars. Through the use of spell wands and
spell protectors, one is able to cast muting, freezing,
dancing spells on the chump of his/her choice, and be
protected by such spells at the same time. Pointless,
but fun.
At the time of opening, the quests were basically glorified
fox hunts... not leaving much to the imagination.
These things irritated a lot of people, and so SK wasnt
doing so well, popularity wise. Then things really started
heating up!
faire opened in SK which offered new types of games,
new locales, vendo items and even performances by the
actors guild. In addition to this, members from DS and
NH were invited in for three days to play along in the
faire. The originality of the event caused many many
new members to join, and SK finally found its feet.
Coinciding with the faire, a new type of quest was introduced
"Lost Legends". This worked along the same
lines as a Monkey Island adventure, having the player
gather certain items to give to certain people or use
in certain places etc... it was a lot of fun, and the
event was enjoyed by everyone! (See here
for an old walkthrough).

Legends was seemingly scrapped at that point in favor
of an even better type of quest, which allowed the member
to 'level up' through completing tasks inworld. The
more tasks completed, the more exp they have, and the
closer they can be to having an exclusive warrior body.
The tasks involved brand new locales and situations,
including unexplored parts of the main castle. Ever
seen a full army of trolls invade a VZones world?

SK couldnt compete with the likes of today's large-scale
MMORPGs and the world was eventually closed. All content
was moved to Dreamscape and members were offered a trial
membership in that world to get started.